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We offer a 14-day trial on new saddles, this is a service we offer to make sure you have made the right choice for you and your horse, most saddles that are returned during the trial period come back as new and receive a full refund. Images A & B show an example of a trial saddle that’s been out twice on trial and is barely marked even under the flaps.

Images C, D, E & F show a saddle that has been on trial for two weeks; from a distance, it looks okay but on closer inspection there are a few smaller issues. It has been over-conditioned, there are bad dents in the sweat flaps from girth buckles and surface scratches on the flaps and skirts. This saddle is no longer an as-new saddle and needs to be considerably reduced to sell it, we cover part of this costs as part of the service but we do pass on part of it to clients.

Image D - Surface scratches on the skirts from buckles on reins and zips are not acceptable on a return saddle
Image E - We ask you not to ride in seamed boots or rubber boots as they rub the leather on new saddles, this not only has the rub mark but less easily-seen grooves as well.
Image F - Deep dents in the sweat flaps from over-girthing.

Cost for wear on saddles that will be deducted:
• Sweat flaps damaged minor £35.00 per side, extreme damage like in the pictures £75.00 per side.
• Surface scratches that we are unable to get rid of £20.00 per scratch
• Girth straps that come back with rust damage of cuts to the leather from an old girth £20.00 per strap.
• Saddle covers returned covered in hair, mud or wood chipping £10.00 for washing fee..
• Saddles that have not been cleaned £20.00 cleaning fee.